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Welcome to the ICQCM Discussion Board. The purpose of this forum is to provide a nurturing space for ICQCM Fellows and Scholars, and others interested in using quantitative, and computational, and mixed methods to critically engage with and address the conditions, forces, and processes of structural racism and oppression. We encourage forum users to share questions and comments with one another. This may include inquiries about various methods, getting project support, or seeking formative feedback on how to approach a critical project methodologically. 


The content of messages appearing on the ICQCM Discussion Board are the responsibility of those posting them. We ask that you do not post any material that is protected by copyright or other proprietary right. We also request that you refrain from posting messages that contain personal attacks against other forum users, including ICQCM scholars and fellows or staff. Messages and materials that are libelous, abusive, threatening, or offensive are also prohibited. 


ICQCM staff do not control the content of posted messages and cannot guarantee the accuracy or quality of information contained in this forum. This discussion board is not a replacement for one-on-one support nor is it meant to serve as a  source of scholarly citation[insert something here]. 


Forum questions and comments are limited to 1500 characters. We encourage your feedback and suggestions. Please send all questions and comments to

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