Corey Knox, PhD
Educational Research Scientist at the College of Education, University of Arizona
Dr. Knox is an Educational Research Scientist at the University of Arizona, College of Education. My research and action interests involve exploring how pressing global and community issues related to socio-scientific problems are framed and communicated in school-based and community learning spaces. More broadly, she explores teaching and learning frameworks and strategies that empower teachers, students, and community members to connect science and traditional ecological knowledge and cultural responsiveness to social and environmental learning and action-taking.
Her current research examines program theories, assumptions, and practices of college readiness and university outreach programs to minoritized youth and undergraduate students. This research seeks to better understand patterns and reasons for underrepresentation in various disciplines and fields, particularly STEM fields. She works with faculty across several disciplinary areas in STEM and humanities to support the development and implementation of cultural and community-responsive science curricula that connect schools with community sustainability issues, such as climate change and environmental justice issues. Her passion is working with/in organizations and programs that create and sustain leadership opportunities for underrepresented and marginalized voices in higher education, research, and community projects that advance environmental literacy and social and environmental justice. She has designed and currently teaches an undergraduate research methods course that introduces social science research methods through research on diversity, inclusion, and equity in STEM.