Erika C. Bullock
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education and Curriculum Studies in the School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Erika C. Bullock is an assistant professor of mathematics education and curriculum studies in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She earned a B.S. in computer science from Spelman College and a M.Ed. and Ph.D. in mathematics education from Georgia State University. Dr. Bullock's work spans curriculum studies, urban education, mathematics education and STEM education. She uses theories from urban sociology, cultural studies, literary theory, and science and technology studies to look at how issues and ideologies within mathematics and STEM education grow out of historical precedents. She also examines how power operates within these disciplines to create and maintain racial inequities. Dr. Bullock is a 2017 National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation postdoctoral fellow. Her work has been published in outlets including Educational Studies, Educational Studies in Mathematics, The Journal of Education, Review of Research in Education, and Teachers College Record as well as several books. She has also been featured in The Atlantic and was awarded the 2017 Taylor and Francis Publication Best Paper Award for “Only STEM Can Save Us? Race, Place, and STEM Education as Property”, published in Educational Studies and the 2021 Early Career Publication Award for the American Educational Research Association’s Special Interest Group on Research in Mathematics Education for “Intersectional Analysis in Critical Mathematics Education Research: A Response to Figure Hiding”, published in Review of Research in Education.