Sonya Good, PhD
Interim Chair and Professor of Chemistry at Texas Southern University
Dr. Sonya Good is an Interim Chair and Professor of Chemistry at Texas Southern University (TSU) where she has been a member of the faculty since the fall 2013. Her research interests are to investigate surface properties of metallic surfaces, microelectrodes and chemically modified textiles using instrumental methods and microscopy. Recently, Dr. Good’s research initiatives are to investigate best teaching practices for student learning in STEM courses at an HBCU. Dr. Good’s most proud moment in teaching is when a group of undergraduate students collectively developed a research project while participating in the Guided Learning Project in her quantitative analysis laboratory course. This research led to a publication entitled Assessing the East Bay of Galveston Bay, Texas for Coliform Bacteria in Recreational Water in 2016. She continues to engage with undergraduates beyond the classroom by serving as Faculty Advisor for the American Chemical Society (ACS) and NOBCChE student chapters. Recently, Dr. Good saw a need created a group, the Informative Channel for Blacks/African-Americans in STEM, on Facebook to mentor students and former students and provide support for underrepresented groups in STEM. Dr. Good is a former ACS Science Coach for teachers and former Board Member of the South Union Community Development Corporation of Houston, TX. Before TSU, Dr. Good was a Board of Regent Fellow at LSU (1994-98), a postdoctoral fellow at the USDA (2001-2004) and an assistant professor at Dillard University (2004-2013). Over the years, she has participated in research, authored several papers and mentored students.