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Blake Turner, PhD

Assistant Professor of Educational Policy and Leadership in the College of Education, Marquette University

Blake Turner has a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland where she studied Minority and Urban Education with a concentration in Mathematics Education. She was the 2022-2023 Arnold L. Mitchem Dissertation Fellow at Marquette University. Dr. Turner earned a BS in Psychology and a Master of Arts in Teaching Secondary Mathematics and Special Education from Xavier University of Louisiana. She also holds a Master of Education from the University of Illinois-Chicago in Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment. She aims to continue to leverage her service as an educator, researcher, and social justice advocate to build the capacity of teachers, teacher educators, and scholars to enact anti-racist and equitable pedagogies in the classroom and use research to expose and dismantle anti-blackness in education broadly, mathematics education specifically. Broadly, Blake’s research attends to the ways that mathematics education is an instantiation of an anti-black and white institutional space and how critical research methodologies, and theoretical frameworks can be used as a tool towards liberation for minoritized and marginalized communities, but particularly Black doers, learners, and teachers of mathematics. In addition to serving as a Graduate Student Representative for American Educational Research Association SIG #27: Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in Education, Blake is also a William T. Grant Writing Fellow. As a William T. Grant Writing Fellow, Blake will contribute her chapter, “Faulty Foundations: Research and reckoning with antiblackness in mathematics education” to the book Theories of Blackness, Indigeneity, and Racialization in Research to Reduce Inequality in the Lives of Young People.

Blake Turner, PhD

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