Ashleigh Brown-Grier
Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies, Howard University
Ashleigh Brown-Grier is pursuing a Ph.D. at Howard University in the Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies. Her research focus is internationalization at Historically Black Colleges and Universities—specifically international student support. As an IIE Fulbright Alumni Ambassador, she assists with conducting outreach for the Fulbright Program. She is also a Just-Julian Scholar (Howard University) researching international student support with academic and social support before and during COVID19. Brown Grier was a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Malaysia during the 2016-2017 grant year. Her experience as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) highlighted a disparity amongst Black students and HBCUs graduates. With this knowledge, she founded Fulbright HBCU, social media pages (FB, IG, Twitter) to highlight HBCU Fulbright grantees; and spread awareness about the Fulbright program to HBCU students. Ashleigh obtained a B.A. in Vocal Music Performance from Talladega College, a M.A.T. from Morgan State University, and an M.S.Ed. in Higher Education from the University of Pennsylvania.