Chezare A. Warren, PhD
Associate Professor of Equity & Inclusion in Education Policy at Peabody College, Vanderbilt University
As of July 2021, Dr. Chezare A. Warren serves as Associate Professor of Equity & Inclusion in Education Policy at Peabody College Vanderbilt University. He is a scholar of race and intersectional justice with particular interests in understanding the conditions that facilitate Black boys’ education success. He is recipient of numerous national recognitions for his scholarship including the 2018 American Educational Research Association “Teaching and Teacher Education” Early Career Award. He was selected as a 2019-2020 National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine/Ford Foundation postdoctoral fellow, and has held visiting faculty appointments at Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, and New York University. Dr. Warren’s scholarship has been published in top peer-reviewed journals including Educational Researcher, Journal of Teacher Education, Urban Education, Race Ethnicity & Education, and Teachers College Record. Author of more than 35 articles, reports, and chapters, his first book Urban Preparation: Young Black Men Moving from Chicago’s South Side to Success in Higher Education (Harvard Education Press, 2017) inaugurated the press’ “Race and Education” series. His most recent book, Centering Possibility in Black Education is set for publication by Teachers College Press in April 2021.